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Locker Room Talk
Episode 1 - Why More Women Should Join Fantasy Football
Locker Room Talk: Episode 1
00:00 / 06:26
Fantasy football is back! While the game is dominated by men, more women are joining fantasy football than ever before. On the first episode of “Locker Room Talk” host Lily Kollross talks with avid fantasy football fan, Amanda Terek, about why more women should join the league.

Amanda Terek and her family at an Indiana University vs. Purdue University football game.
(from left to right: Emily Cicillian, Amanda Terek,
Josh Cicillian, Lauren Cicillian, and Michelle Cicillian)

Amanda Terek and her husband, Mikey, at a
Chicago Bears games.

Amanda Terek and one of her fantasy football leagues that her husband runs. She is the only woman in the league.
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